Trend Micro BlogConf Day 4: Ryan Flores from our very own
Venue: 14th Floor Boracay Room, TrendLabs
At that time, I am already on the morning shift.. how unfortunate for the event... tsk tsk tsk.. Despite my efforts to ask permission from my Team Lead to attend the said event, it was all futile.. No favors for me daw 'coz I am bad boy.. This is not enough for me NOT to attend though so I used up my 1 hour lunch period to attend the session (is this obsession?).
Now, here's what happened:
- Went on break at 10:05AM.
- It's 10:20 and it hasn't started yet =(
- Some bits of Info I learned, Newsletters like Microsoft Bulletins all started from Blogs... cool.
Ryan Flores quoted Eva Chen's statement every time they meet she would say: "Oh! I enjoy reading blogs than financial statements!" on the next meeting, same statement again...
Tips from him that I really find useful:
- Treat it like a diary - Noteworthy Events are all Blogworthy!
- Read so you can write better - just like the quote "A good follower is a good leader"
- Have an advocacy write something bigger than oneself with conviction - Now this is Rockstar.
Despite my cravings for the lunch at the end of the session, I had to rush all the way back to my cube in the 23rd floor. My heart was all screaming I want more blogging knowledge! Fortunately, they were broadcasting the event via twitter. Good thing I signed up for twitter the day before the blog con.
Good news is I was able to hitch some lunch! Thanks to Twitter! Terrific Lunch was from Teriyaki Boy.
To the AV Technical Marketing of Trend Micro, you guys deserve a million clap-clap-clap for a job well done! I am indeed thankful for the blog conference that you have started as this re-kindled my desire to blog. Mind you, I started this blog site way back in 2007 and I was crappy back then! Again, I am thankful.
My Gratitude also goes to all the people who supported me in making this blog possible.
To the speakers, you were all blessed by the Almighty with these blogging talents, may you go out and spread the blogging wisdom and conquer the Philippines by the great BLOGOSPHERE!!
The BlogCon Experience! Day 1
The BlogCon Experience! Day 2
The BlogCon Experience! Day 3
The BlogCon Experience! Day 4
The Late Blog with Moh
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